Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dentist and Stelara

"Oh and I was supposed to be getting my wisdom tooth extracted Tuesday. Not happening. I am still going to have the consult tomorrow, but because of getting the Stelara Thurs, I can have any surgery 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the first shot. In order to time this right so that the 2nd shot can be given on day 28, things have to be planned Mon. And I don't know how I am going to deal with a tooth ache for 2 more weeks." From yesterday's Blog - Not In the Mood for Much
I was supposed to have the dental consult this afternoonn, but the dr had an emergency and had to cancel. I called Mayo and the dr wants me to have the dental surgery first before we begin treatment with Stelara as there is a risk for infection just having the broken tooth.

So now I have to call in the morning and see if I can get the consult in the afternoon, get the tooth extracted Wed, then leave Wed afternoon for Mayo (had to be there already for 2 appts on Thursday). Dr Cangemi wants me to wait 10 to 14 days after having the tooth extracted to have the first shot. Then we wait 1 month for the next shot.

So got to put a rush on the dentist. I should actually have 3 removed, but only 1 is broken. Debating on whether to just get the others out or not (had 1 removed in 04 - on election day no less!) This would have been another election day tooth extraction for me if things would have worked out.

Hopefully he is clear tomorrow for consult, then get tooth out Wed morning. Rest a bit, drive 4 hours to Jacksonville Wed afternoon, be at Mayo at 8 for lab work and 2 dr appt, then drive home that evening.

Then maybe I can get the first shot on Mon Nov 21. Stay there till Wed to be monitored. We'll have Thanksgiving dinner on that Friday before or the Sunday after (more than likely Sunday after) and put up the tree then.

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